Address: Bokhnyaka St.10, office 15, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
Kamchatka Krai, Russia, 683031
Phone / Fax: (41522) 5-10-21, mobile.: 8-909-835-3530
A boat trip around the Avacha bay
Tour operates: July 1 – September 15
Duration: 3,0 hours, 6,0 hours
From: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
CostEURO for 1 person.
The Avacha Bay, due to its size, security and convenience is one of the best in the world. The Bay has several convenient inlets. It is not by chance, that the famous geographer of the XIX century E. Reqleau in his monumental work “earth and people” had marked, that the bay challenges “Rio-de-Janeiro and San – Francisco for the right to be called the best port in the world”.
During the boat trip around the bay you’ll get a panoramic view of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, rookeries of the swimming birds like guillemots and cormorants, see the Devil’s finger, the grandmother’s stone, and the “three brothers” rocks. The legend says that once upon a time these rocks were three beautiful young men, which belonged to one of the tribes that lived on the shores of the Avacha Bay. These people suffered greatly from tsunamis and the brothers decided to save their people from the giant waves. They stood near the entrance to the bay and the tsunami waves couldn’t come in. And so they stand to this very day.
3-hour boat trip
the boat goes near the “love hill”, the “three brothers” rocks, the capes Bezymyanny and Stanizkogo, the rock “grandmother’s stone” and the Tihaya (quiet) bay.
6-hour boat trip
The boat goes near the “love hill”, the Tihaya bay, the rock “grandmother’s stone”, the Stanizkiy cape, the rocks not far from the Sredniy cape. The aim of the trip is the unique Starichkov island, which was named after the “stariki” (murrelet) birds.
Starichkov island was declared a nature reserve for the preservation of the rookeries and to create good possibilities for nesting and reproduction of birds.
The area of the island is about 0,5 square km, its height is 147,5 meters above the sea-level. The shores are steep and the only small sand beach is in the west.According to the data provided by P.S. Vyatkin, a staff member of the Kamchatka bureau of the Pacific geography institute, RAS (who made count in august 1995), there are 44 nestling colonies of 10 kinds of colonial sea birds on the island, such as the slaty-backed gull, pelagic cormorant, red-faced cormorant, tarrock, pigeon guillemot, thick-billed guillemot, common (black) guillemot, murrelet and kiddaw. On the reefs near the island there are rookeries of the common seal and the island seal. There is an exciting opportunity of ground fishing for rock trout, lenok, and plaice near the Starichkov island, which is an integral part of the tour.
Order a tour
phone / fax: +7 (4152) 22-75-12, mob.: +7 914-780-1764 - Tatyana, +7 909-835-3530 - Constantine
Register number in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators – ВТ 010113
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