Address: Bokhnyaka St.10, office 15, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
Kamchatka Krai, Russia, 683031
Phone / Fax: (41522) 5-10-21, mobile.: 8-909-835-3530
Kamchatka's fauna
Fauna is allocated on the territory of Kamchatka according to the peculiarities of relief, climate, and vegetation. Animals of Tundra zone prevail in the northern areas and animals of taiga zone in the peninsula areas.
The wildlife of each zone is rather unique. At the same time meridional location of mountain ridges, vegetation zones, etc, enabled many northern species of animals to move far to the south. Black-capped marmot, long-tailed ground squirrel and other animals inhabit the Koryak Upland as well as mountain tundra of the peninsula. Peninsula's isolation in the post-ice period was of the essence in forming of fauna.
Only those animals who were able to get into the peninsula from the north via the long and swampy neck of land – Parapolsky Dol – now habit here. They are brown bear, northern reindeer, snow sheep, mountain hare, otter, small rodents and beasts of prey such as sable, fox, stoat (ermine), polar fox, wolverine, lynx.
On the other hand Kamchatka's isolation caused origin of new species of animals like Kamchatkan sable and Kamchatkan marmot.
The peculiarity of fauna is lack of creeping and amphibian animals like snakes, frogs, etc. As for amphibians, just tritons habit here.
The seas surrounding Kamchatka were not an obstacle for birds and one can count more than 200 species of them, mostly sea birds. Vast majority of them fly to Kamchatka only for brooding.
As for sea mammals there are various species of seals in the coastal waters. There are smaller ones such as sea calfs, akibas, krylatkas, anturus, known by the local people as phoca (seals), and more bigger ones like sea hares. More numerous is another species of seals - eared seals – which include fur seals. The fur seals form huge seal rookeries on Commander Islands and get there only in summer season. The eared seals are dispersed by small groups on all coasts and islands of Kamchatka. Sea otters inhabit Commander Islands and Cape Lopatka.
The major treasure of inner waters and surrounding seas are anadromous salmon fishes such as king salmon, silver salmon, chum salmon, red salmon, and humpback salmon. One can meet also herring, cod, navaga, halibut, greenling, bullhead and so on.
phone / fax: +7 (4152) 22-75-12, mob.: +7 914-780-1764 - Tatyana, +7 909-835-3530 - Constantine
Register number in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators – ВТ 010113
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